Training and Support
For many years we have been invited to present workshops and talks at conferences and events for educators in Ireland on the issues for schools and teachers that arise from children’s use of the internet.
Sharing our knowledge and expertise with existing professional networks is a core part of what we do. We deliver workshops at the JMB Annual Conference, at the LETB Student Support Team Annual Conference, MITE, and other events for pre-service teachers. If you are an organisation that supports young people we can also provide staff training in online safety. We have previously provided training to many agencies and organisations including; Tusla, Foster Carers Ireland, Parentline and many more.
Below is a list of the resources that we have available to teachers and details of their content. Please get in touch using the CONTACT US form if you think we could add value to your event. Send us a description of the event you are organising including details of the venue, proposed date, number and nature of participants, and the purpose of the event. We get a lot of requests to deliver workshops; unfortunately, we don’t have the resources to facilitate everyone. We prioritise opportunities to speak to networks of educators and school leaders.
*Please note that we are a very small team and as a result, we don’t have the capacity to deliver in school teacher training or talks for parents.

Cyberbullying: understanding, preventing and responding
Online Course
Oide Technology in Education with Webwise have developed two new online courses for all teachers and school leaders, primary and post primary.
The aim of these cyberbullying courses is to provide teachers with the knowledge, resources and confidence to teach about cyberbullying and deal with cyberbullying incidents as they arise. Both courses seek to inform primary and post-primary teachers and school leaders about the issue of cyberbullying, outline a school’s role in creating an anti-cyberbullying culture and promoting student’s wellbeing including online wellbeing.

Introduction to Digital Citizenship Education (Primary)
Online Course
This course will help you to both understand digital citizenship and show you how to teach and model digital citizenship in your classroom and your school.
Digital Citizenship is about helping young people to learn how to safely and responsibly navigate the online environment. It encompasses skills including, media literacy, creativity, wellbeing online, communication, inclusion, rights and responsibilities and others.

What is Digital Citizenship and How to Teach it (Post Primary)
Online Course
The aim of this course is to provide teachers with the knowledge, resources and confidence to teach digital citizenship and to empower their students to be safe, ethical and responsible online.
Developed with Webwise and drawing on relevant online safety resources and activities from Webwise, participants will explore what it means to be a good digital citizen and identify opportunities for the teaching and learning of one or more of the 10 domains of digital citizenship in their specific subjects. Topics explored include online wellbeing, news and information literacy, privacy, communication, ethics, empathy and more. The course contains new good practice videos filmed in three post primary schools and makes specific links to SPHE, CSPE and the Digital Media Literacy short course.

Cyberbullying Hub
The Cyberbullying Guidance for Teachers Information Hub has been created by Webwise to provide guidance to teachers and school leaders on the issue of cyberbullying, creating an anti-cyberbullying culture and promoting student’s wellbeing including online wellbeing.
It also supports teachers and school leaders participating in the online cyberbullying courses developed by the PDST Technology in Education with Webwise.
The hub provides access to a range of supports including the online cyberbullying courses, expert advice videos, course resources, Webwise resources, along with other useful anti-cyberbullying resources.

Online Safety Webinar Series for Teachers
The online safety webinars for primary and post-primary teachers explore a range of topics including cyberbullying, image-sharing and false information.
The series aims to provide helpful information, advice, guidance and resources to assist the introduction of online safety into the classroom.
The series is supported by experts in the area of digital technology, SPHE, Academics and legal experts.

Internet Safety Talks for Parents
The Webwise Parents Presentation is designed to assist schools who wish to host parent internet safety evenings.
The information included in the presentations covers key topics for parents including social media, screen time, cyber-bullying, image-sharing and features expert advice and support.
Presentations for primary and post-primary schools can accessed via the link below. Presentations come in PowerPoint format, can be accessed for free and come with a full script, expert videos and interactive activities.

Oide Technology in Education
Oide Technology in Education provides courses and other continuing professional development opportunities to support the integration of ICT in the curriculum and help develop e-Learning in your school.

Online Safety and Awareness in Youth Work E-Learning Course – NYCI
This e-learning introduces youth workers and volunteers to key topics in online safety, and addresses the challenges that young people may face online. It explores the importance of digital awareness in your role and the ways you can support young people to be safer online.