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Explained: What is Among Us?

  What is Among Us? Among Us is a social deception game which can be downloaded for free on Android […]

Talking Points: Promoting Positive Self-Esteem Online

Covid 19: Online Safety Advice for Parents

These uncertain times have led to an understandable disruption to family life, with parents and children spending more time than usual at home, and online.

Is my child spending too much time online?

Áine Lynch, CEO of the National Parents Council Primary offers advice on managing screen time in the home.

Explained: What is MeWe?

  What is MeWe? MeWe is an ad-free social network, which is free to access via a browser or mobile […]

What to do if images of my child are shared online

Elaine Byrnes, Doctoral Researcher-Psychology, NUI Galway offers advice to parents on what to to do if intimate images of their […]

Sexting – what parents need to know

Elaine Byrnes, Doctoral Researcher-Psychology, NUI Galway explains why teens may get involved in sexting and offers advice on how parents […]

What to do if something goes wrong online?

Áine Lynch, CEO of the National Parents Council Primary offers advice for parents on supporting their children online.

Talking to your teen about online safety

Elaine Byrnes, Doctoral Researcher-Psychology, NUI Galway offers advice for parents on talking to your teen about online safety.

Screen time – what parents need to know

Áine Lynch, CEO of the National Parents Council Primary offers advice on effectively managing screen time.

Talking to your child about online safety

Áine Lynch, CEO of the National Parents Council Primary offers advice for parents on talking to your child about online […]

Our Year in Review: Highlights to Date 18/19

As we approach the end of another school year we take a look back at some of the important work […]

Top 10 Tips for Parents

  The thoughts of what your child might come across online can be worrying. Check out our top 10 internet […]

Webcam Blackmail – Advice for Parents

Young people are using video and webcam chat to hang out with friends and meet new people. There are risks, […]

Considerations for Smartphone Use in Schools

All schools are now required to consult with the school community including teachers, students and parents on the use of […]


Talk to someone

Worried about something you have seen online or concerned about your child? Childline and the National Parents Council Primary offer free advice and support service.

Childline is a support service for young people up to the age of 18.There is a 24hr telephone, online and mobile phone texting service.

Get started

The National Parents Council Primary enables and empowers parents to be effective partners in their children’s education.

01 887 4477


Report Illegal Content

Sometimes you might unwittingly stumble across illegal online content like child abuse imagery. Always remember: you can report it and get it removed using

More on illegal content

Make a report exists to combat the distribution and proliferation of illegal content, like child sexual
abuse content, in conjunction with police and Internet Industry