Safer Internet Day Events in Ireland
Each year, schools and organisations from around Ireland highlight what they are doing to mark Safer Internet Day on our interactive map!
First lesson of Html Heroes Safer Internet Programme 3rd4th Class 2025
Scoil Chríost Rí, Enniscrone
All classes will start Safer Internet Curriculum lessons.
Infants: Digiducks
1st/2nd : HTML heroes
3rd4th: HTML Heroes
5th6th =: My Selfie
Barnardos Online Safety Programme Workshops
Scoil san Phrionsias
We have been completing the Webwise My Selfie Handbook and will be finishing with an interactive Quiz based on our activities
Child Friendly AUP
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál
To mark SID 2025, our Student Council will launch our child friendly internet Acceptable Use Policy in all classes
St Finian’s Whole school internet safety day
St Finian's National School
Whole talks, discussion around using the internet in safe way. Be positive about how useful it is to use as a school and at home. Watch the web wise vidoes. Interact with parent on events in school. Well being week events to be included with this.
5TH Class
scoil naomh molaise
trying to build more awareness of online safety, cyber bullying, inappropriate veiwing content, gaming
Safer Internet Day
Burnfort NS
Run some workshops for the children in school
Scoil Bhríde
Scoil Bhríde
-Colouring Competition
-Webwise resources and presentations
-Whole-school reminders about safer internet use over the intercom
Brannoxtown CNS Safer Internet Day
Brannoxtown CNS
Empower pupils to navigate the digital world safely
Safer Internet Day
Presentation Senior School
6th class pupils are making a podcast for the whole school to listen to on SID. Teachers are provided with webwise PowerPoints and a padlet of resources to use appropriate to their classes.
Safety pledge & breaffy NS
Breaffy NS
We are holding safe screen time workshops in 2nd to 6th class
Simpler screen time workshops for infants to 1st class
Internet safety pledge for all pupils signed by parent and pupils .
Sharing tips with all parents .
Webwise material
Kenton college
Kenton college
To have whole shcool assembly about safer internet day and coordinate safer Internet competition challenge for whole to sensitize the community about esafety.
Bí sábháilte ar an idirlin.
Gaelscoil Liatroma
Comhrá faoi sábháilte ar an idirlin.
Breachnú ar na fiseán
Póstaer a dhéanamh
Internet Safety Muire gan smal
Muire gan smal Presentation Primary school
Each class teacher will teach an Internet Safety lesson from webwise to their class.
Children will design a SID (competition)
Parents will attend webinar
St. Cronan’s J.N.S Safer Internet Day poster competition!
St. Cronan's JNS
Poster competition
Webwise interactive lessons in each class
Sharing of information on our school website
Internet Safety Day
Scoil Bhride - (20118L)
Who school teaching on Internet Safety using webwise. Colouring competition for Junior Classes and poster competition for Senior Classes. Parents will be invited to a speaker on internet safety in the senior rooms.
Safer Internet Day NCNS
Nuns Cross NS
As part of our well being week also we are hoping to engage in conversations about internet usage in the different classes and to use that as our platform for further learning.
208 (including teachers)
Harold’s Cross National School Safer Internet Day 2025
Harolds Cross National School
Poster/Design an Internet Safety Hero Competition
Internet Safety Talks for Pupils and Parents
Digital Citizenship Classes
Pledge Wall
Online/In-class internet safety activities
Barnardos Online Safety SID themed workshop
St Pauls Ratoath
Barnardos Online Safety Programme will deliver SID themed workshops on Monday 10th February with St. Paul's NS Ratoath. Our trainer will facilitate Online Safety Workshops with 5th & 6th and discussing this years safer internet day theme “Prepare / Protect / Thrive” We will be asking the children to reflect on the role of influencers and algorithms in their lives and engaging with the SID materials.
Barnardos Online Safety SID themed workshop
Swords Educate Together NS
Brnardos Online Safety Programme will deliver SID themed workshops on Wednesday 12th February with Swords Educate Together NS Applewood. Our trainer will facilitate two 1 hour Online Safety Workshops with 5th & 6th classes and bring this year’ safer internet day theme “Prepare / Protect / Thrive” into discussion. We will be asking the children to reflect on the role of influencers and algorithms in their lives and engaging with the SID materials.
Be Alert and Be Safe
St Saviours NS
We have a full school assembly about internet safety followed by a poster compo
Safer Internet Day Poster Competition
St. Felims's N.S. Ballinagh
Whole School Poster Competion. Each class to do their own lesson. Classes are already covering HTML Heroes and MySelfie.
Ballinagar NS Stays Safe Online!
Ballinagar NS
Going to promote internet safety in the school by looking at the various lessons on webwise throughout the week. posters will be designed by o;der pupils and they will share their knowledge with younger pupils. Scripted lesson plans will also be used and parents will be informed.
Safer Internet Day 2025
Togher Boys'
Class presentations, discussions, poster competition.
1st to 6th class
Internet Safety Talk/Workshop for all classes
St Eunans NS
A parent who works in the cybersecurity & IT sector is coming in to do Talks/Workshops with all the children in the school. He will take all the classes in their own class groups and deliver age-appropriate talks to each of them. He has also given some extra information to each teacher to deliver in their own time throughout the school year.
Empower your Clicks
Enniscorthy yOUTHREACH
Poster Competition
Peer to peer learning
External speakers
Poster compeition
Cork Educate Together NS
School song and poster competition as well as engaging
Two Mile House N.S
Two Mile House N.S
We will be having a poster competition for all classes. Posters will then be displayed throughout the school. This will reinforce this years logo “Prepare / Protect / Thrive
“Together for a better internet”
Scoil Mhuire gan Smal
Poster Creation on the theme "Together for a better internet"
All classes will use a variety of online resources to explore the topic of safer internet day such as Digiducks, HTML Heroes and All Aboard for Digitown and My Selfie Resources.
safer internet day 2025
Athenry Primary School Campus B
Watch the videos
Design a poster
“Treating everyone with kindness and respect online”
Loreto Secondary School Kilkenny
•informational talks for first years
•Canva posters on internet safety
•speaking to our local radio station
•Tips and facts on bookmarks
•Irish Influencer Cameos
•Competitions between base classes (artwork & slogans)
•Case studies (situational games)
•Spot the AI generated images
Safer Internet Day
Holy Trinity NS
Garda to visit classes and talk about safety, kindness and respect online.
Poster competition.
Outreach to parents with information to raise awareness.
Scoil Aonghusa
Scoil Aonghusa
Competitions, Presentations by Students Council, Parent info
Safer Internet Day 2025
Ballaghlea NS
Safer Internet Day Presentations
Kahoot Quizzes linked with the presentations.
Design a poster- Positive messages campaign.
Internet Safety Webinar for parents during Internet Safety week.
Scoil Iosaf Castlemartyr National School
- Some classes to enter poster competitions
- Kids on intercom sharing important Safety messages
- Kids using signage to display event and improtant message to our families
- Older pupils teaching younger pupils
- Going through webwise presentations with classes and Digiduck with younger classes
- Singing and Dancing
Internet Safety Talk & Poster competition
Curravagh NS
Webwise lessons, design a poster on Internet safety,
Be safe, stay safe.
St Molaga’s SNS
Each class will do a webwise lesson.
Discussion in SET ROOMS to back up class lessons.
Key messages delivered at assembly
St Kenny NS SID
St Kenny NS
Spread awareness of safer use of internet. Inform parents with use of booklet. Share stories in school about safe use and the dangers of internet.
Responsible Internet Users
St Conaires NS
Organising visit from Garda and revision of responsible internet use using presentations provided by Webwise
Stop Cyberbullying Workshop
In Sync Youth Information Service
Stop Cyberbullying - Two day after school workshop Naas Youth Project Pre-Steppingstones Group 6th class students
The workshop aims to identify what is cyberbullying
Young people are empowered to think about their own behaviour online
Alert young people to the effects of cyberbullying
Learn how to take action quickly if they or others are being cyberbullied or feel unsafe online
Have A Safe Journey……Online
Mercy College, Roscommon
My LCA students are organising workshops for 1st years on safely navigating the online world and dealing with cyberbullying and workshops for transition year students on maintaining a positive digital footprint. The workshop take place next Tuesday to coincide with Safer Internet Day.
77 1st years and 84 transition year students
Safer Internet Day Events 2025
Sancta Maria College
I have arranged for teachers to engage classes in the school on February 11th to help generate awareness around the use of internet and how to be autonomous, effective, and use the internet safely.
We will use the videos as presentations to classes on safer internet day.
Dangan’s Safer Internet Day
Dangan NS
Each teacher from 1st - 6th plans to use the webwise presentations and scripts to teach their children about how to use the internet safely. The infant teachers will use the digiduck series to discuss safer internet practices with the younger children.
SID Awareness Workshop
Youthreach Cootehill
Conduct a workshop for students using the resources on the webwise website to create and promote awareness of Safer Internet Day and Online Wellbeing.
Safer Internet Day 2025
Belgrove SBS
All 318 pupils in the school involved. Each class will have workshops to promote Safer Internet Day.
Information awarness day for perents and children
cross care family hub
to deliver infromation by useing your resourse of better internet a perents guide and children guide / get smart SMART Rules Quiz
Take the SMART rules quiz and find out how SMART you are online! we wil have event with this resourse
Safer Internet Day at St.Brigid’s N.S 2025
St.Brigid's National School Redhills
We plan to run lessons, workshops, a poster competition!
Student Council SID
Our Lady of the Wayside NS
Whole School Assembly
Poster competition
Webwise lessons in-class
Buddy activity promoting internet safety between younger and older pupils
Safer Internet Day Awareness Classes
Ardscoil Rís
During Digital Media Literacy classes, 1st years will be given the safer internet presentation on Tech in our World with an emphasis on resetting.
During SPHE, the same presentation will be given to 2nd year students.
5th and 6th year students will have assemblies where the Coco's Law presentation will be delivered.
350 students
Too good to be true
nazareth house primary school
assembly for safer internet day
live lesson on just 2 easy creating online posters
poster competition for key stage 2 children
internet safety quiz for classes
Be Kind Online
Scoil Mhuire Murroe
Theme: Be Kind Onlline
Activities: Be Kind Online Poster Competition
Be Kind Online Colouring Competition
Be Kind Online Poetry Competition
Be Kind Online Parent Interview
Be Kind Online Presentation Day
School Internet Safety Rules Focus Groups
Parents Hub and Homework
Our Safe Internet Space
Courtenay School
Go through how we can all use the internet safely and respectfully. Let the students know what they can do if they are being bullied online or know of someone who is being bullied online.
Cybersafe Schools Training & Webinars
Cloontuskert N.S
The teachers will be completing an internet safety course . They will also be presenting a series of lessons to their classes based on the Cyber Safe Programme. Parents will also be given the opportunity to complete a patents online webinar.
St. Brendan’s Cyber Safety Week
St. Brendan's BNS
Teaching lessons on cyber safety using resources like Webwise and the FUSE programme.
Sending information to parents.
Kentstown Safer Internet Day
Kentstown National School
Children will participate in Webwise lessons.
Older children will make posters and teach younger classes some safety rules re passwords.
Older classes will share safety messages over the intercom.
Staying safe online
St Patrick’s Girls NS
Each class will be learning about internet safety and the importance of being careful when they are working online, what to watch out for and what to do if we see something that worries us online.
3rd and 4th class Robertson NS
Robertson National School
To reinforce safe Internet use,rules around social media accounts
Internet safety Day
Scoil Mhuire Agus Chormaic
Each class will cover lessons from webwise throughout the week.
Pupils will engage in cyber bullying talk with local garda.
Each class will create our Bí cinealta anti bullying poster.
Lesson on how to use the internet safely.
4th and 5th
Children have been learning all about cyber bullying and digital footprint
Mercy Primary School Safer Internet Day
Mercy Primary School
Each class will watch a presentation or take part in a suggested activity. Information will be circulated to parents around the theme of this years safer internet day “Prepare / Protect / Thrive: Navigating Algorithms and Influencers.” There will be additional activities at home and at school based on safety tips for online usage on that day as well.
Internet Safety Day
St Bernadettes Senior National School- (19785U)
Each class will receive a Safer Internet Day pack, filled with webwise worksheets and links for teachers to webwise videos.
We will invite the community Garda in to talk to the students about internet safety and the impact cyberbullying can have on the community.
Internet Safety Day
Golden NS
Watch Webwise videos, Twinkl Powerpoint on Social Media Critical thinking.
Glebe NS Safer Internet Day
Glebe NS
We are holding a Safer Internet Day in school. This is cross curricular involving all classes. Pupils will share their learning with their parents and create a family poster promoting Cyber Safety. These will be displayed in school as part of our safer Internet wall. Pupils will participate in a quiz to assess their knowledge.
Poster Competition
Castleknock Educate Together National Scho
We are running a whole school poster competition highlighting the importance of staying safe online
Remember! There is more to life, than your phone!
Streetwise, Brothers of Charity
Whole School Approach
Internet Safety Homework
Different lessons at each class level
Safer Internet Day lesson
St Patrick's NS
Each class teacher will teach a lesson on this day to encourage safe use of the internet.
Taking care online
De La Salle College
We hope to promote some of the workshops that you are promoting to our parents. In school, our TY digital Leaders will help promote this years theme to our groups. Also the digital leaders are delivering a presentation to first years about internet safety, how to spot for scams etc...
LCA online safety awareness Day
St. Joseph’s Secondary School Tulla
Our LCA students will be creating online safety charters and will be talking about online safety with 1st year SPHE classes
140 lca+ 1stvyears or leaders LCA students = 16
Internet Safety Day 2025
Monivea NS
Each class will be learning about internet safety and the importance of being careful when they are working online.
digital poster competition
Abbey VOcational School
Design one of the following for Safer Internet Day (11th Feb)
Digital Poster (A Docs Page or 1 Slide designed as a one page poster)
Short Animation (Maybe use Storyboardthat )
3 screen Slide Show: around the theme
"Influencers and Algorithms in Social Media- How they affect me?"
You may work on your own, or in groups of up to 3 max.
Don’t be mean behind your screen
St Joseph's ns
Internet safety lessons
Discuss dangers online
Discuss bullying online and safety around strangers on social media
3rd to 6th
Beyond truth – unwrapping who we are actually talking to online?
Tullow Community School
Run classes across the day around the theme of safety online and who we are really talking to on the other side of the screen. How to know the sources of your information, whether websites are safe or not, how algorithms work and information sent to parents about these topics.
1st - 3rd years - 540 students
St. Fursey’s Safer Internet Day
St. Fursey's N.S
Colouring competition and slogan competition for all class levels Junior Infants to 6th Class. Children will take part in SPHE lessons around safe internet habits and create a school slogan.
Safer Internet Day 2025 Ballinspittle NS
Ballinspittle National School
Teachers from Junior Infants to 6th class will deliver Internet Safety lessons using resources including (but not limited to) DigiDuck, HTML Heroes, Digitown and My Selfie and the Wider World.
Safer Internet Day
Scoil Íosagáin
Improve awareness of Internet Safety
Safer Internet Week
Ballyoughter NS
We are going to do different activities each day. Colouring competition, posters ect
White Notley is Safe Online!
White Notley Primary School
Online safety assembly.
Web activities, QUIZ, team games and puzzles.
Safer Internet
Brierfield NS
Talk for parents and students.
Various media presentations.
Assembly run by 5th+6th class outlining some of the key points of being safe on the internet.
Spreading the word on how to be safe online with activities in school and at home with parents
Knock National School
On internet Safety day, each class teacher will engage in activities and videos from this website.
The website address is also being sent to parents and they are being encouraged to talk to their child about what they learned in school and also what they would like to chat to their child about also.
St. Luke’s NS Stop Block and Tell
St Lukes Mixed National School
The teachers will used the SID presentations this week. The classes from junior to 6th will participate in walking debates, posters making and colouring competitions depending on their ages.
94 students and 10 staff
Safer Internet Day 2025
Tobar an Léinn
Lesson taught to each class group, school wide internet use survey, homework for the whole school based on internet safety only , Poster and art competition.
Safer Internet Day 2025 KS2 Assembly
St Bernard's Primary School
We will be delivering an assembly to the whole school about Safer Internet Day. Our Dream Space Ambassadors will introduce what it means to be safe on the internet, along with several examples of how to keep safe - e.g., using micro:bits to create a strong password.
Internet Safety Day in Coolarne
St Vincent's N.S.
We hope to hold an assembly with the whole school and do individual lessons in our classroom. We also plan to distribute materials to parents
74 pupils 8 adults
Safer Internet Day
Scoil San Treasa
Children will engage in safer internet lessons in the lead up to Safer Internet Day (lessons from html heroes, webwise, My Selfie and fuse).
Our student Council will run a 'Be Safe Online' poster competition for classes from 1st-6th Class.
Our newspaper committee will do a 'Be Safe Online' piece in this month's newspaper.
Staff will share parent checklist poster from Webwise with parents.
St. Nicholas’ Parochial School
St. Nicholas' Parochial School
Presentations, drama, story telling & games
Know yourself
Tipton Green college
We plan to invite loud moth to share activities with the children. Children will also have the opportunity to take part in numerous face painting and watch inside out and act it out, this will enable them to describe their feeling and share with others in the room.
Our school is very new and specialise on children with special needs. They will be excited to have the resources.
St James’ SID
St. James' C of E Primary Academy
We will be participating in a whole school assembly to start our day. Then each year group will be completing activities linked to the theme for this year. We will be sending our digital leaders around too and they will be judging a poster competition across the school.
Staying Safe Online
St Mary's NS
As a school we will take part in a Poster Competition for Safer Internet Day. Older students will help to deliver safety tips for staying safe online to younger students. Teachers will use the Webwise resources to highlight online safety to their students.
Inchicore NS Safer Internet Day 2025
Inchicore NS
Each class will take part in lessons to highlight internet safety.
Whole school lessons and parent talk
St Patrick's NS
Whole school , promoting awareness.
Student Council posters.
SPHE lessons on safety/ cyber bullying.
Parent talk
Whole school 455
Bridgetown’s Browse Bright, Browse Right Campaign
Bridgetown National School
Pupils in 6th class will create projects based on staying safe online and present them to the younger classes.
Pupils in 4th and 5th class will take part in a poster competition and create posters based on the theme of 'Prepare, Protect, Thrive'.
All pupils will take part in a colouring competition, using the colouring pages provided on WebWise for Safter Internet day 2025.
Safer Internet at Heritage International School!
Heritage International School
We will have a school-wide assembly on this year's topic, with recommended activities in the classrooms, poster competitions, student council videos and more
Safer Internet Day in
Culleens National School
We plan to use resources from HTML Heroes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes. We intend to use MySelfie and the Wider World to engage 5th and 6th class on the topic of cyber bullying. We would like to have a talk from our community garda, as part of the Garda Schools Programme. We also will message parents to remind them of the range of resources which are available on Internet Safety on our website/socials. Infants will engage with Jessie and Friends lesson and Digiduck.
Be kind online
St Mary’s National School
Drama workshop on Being Kind online with senior pupils, senior pupils short presentation for juniors; and creating a short video for parents/teens/public about online safety for school Facebook page.
Poster Competition
Urbleshanny NS
Senior pupils will partake in a poster competition demonstrating their learning about using the Internet safely.
Safer Internet Day in Castlecuffe
Castlecuffe NS
The children will list websites/apps they use regularly. They will write pros and cons of using the internet. They will read a story about how easy it is to be tricked online. They will create posters to highlight the importance of being safe on the internet.
Watching safety videos,distributing wristbands
McEgan College
I am currently teaching digital media to my LCA students and I think it wouldn't be an ideal opportunity for them to call to each class room as webwise ambassadors, distribute wristbands and make each year group aware of safer Internet day. I will also forward an email to all tutors with links to your webwise videos to raise awareness of safer Internet day and the resources available on webwise.
Potentially the whole school,260 students
Killinure National School Supports Safer Internet Day 2025
Killinure National School
5th and 6th class will complete lessons on Safer Internet Day.
Parent information evening to be organised this month on Internet safety.
Social media use- promote safer Internet day on school app
Internet Safety Poster
Ardfield NS
Garda visit, poster competition, website lessons
Kilmurry NS Internet Safety Day
Kilmurry NS
We hope to show web wise videos to all classes and link Internet safety day with the creation of our student poster for our Bí Cineálta procedures
Ballyduff is safe, Ballyduff is webwise
Ballyduff NS
Whole school approach, each class will take part in various activities promoting internet safety. The resources on webwise have been fantastic and we promote these on the day
St Dominic’s NS
St Dominic’s NS
Presentation from senior rooms to junior rooms
Poster competition
Video competition to stay safe online
No online or whiteboard use day, get outside and play
Ballylooby NS
No whiteboard or online teaching or activities. Instead get out and play and learn outside during the day
Safer Internet Day @ Coláiste Muire
Colaiste Muire Cobh
Still getting organised by we will have announcements throughout the day, use our digital display to show both on general tips for all students.
1st Year students will participate in an event
Junior students will engage in activities during their IT classes during the week
300 (only 125 bands needed)
St. Anne’s
St. Anne'S National School - (05916G)
Talks from Community Policing.
Lessons and use of resources in each class.
Safer Internet Day St Lukes NS
St Lukes NS
Presentation of Internet Safe Day powerpoints, Student Council group discussion, Posters created by senior classes for internet safer Day.
Blooket Quiz
Leitrim National School
We aim to have an art competition, invite a garda in to talk about Internet safety and hold a whole school blooket quiz
Poster competition
Our Lady of Lourdes Secondary School
Currently doung internet safety with junior year groups. Plan to finish the module with a poster competition.
SID Scoil Bhríde PS
Scoil Bhride PS
Each teacher will present a lesson on safety using the internet. Webwise resources will be shared with each teacher so that they can explore internet safety in further detail with their class over the rest of the month of February.
Internet Safety Day
Scoil Chormaic CNS
We are running lessons across the school that involve our lives online, including activities such as a poster competition with this year's slogan, drama scenarios to work on strategies for dealing with unsafe scenarios online and making sample social media profiles to highlight what we should and shouldn't share online!
Thomond Primary School Safer Internet Day
Thomond Primary School
Parent internet safety workshop, Garda talks and SID lessons for classes and whole school poster competition.
Strandhill NS Safer Internet Day
Scoil Asicus Naofa (Strandhill NS)
We have booked in-person talks from CybersafeKids for children in 3rd to 6th classes.
We have prepared resources for children to take home to open conversations with their parents/guardians.
St. Patrick’s SNS Safer Internet Day 2025
St. Patrick's SNS
Lesson plans appropriate for each level.
Local garda visit.
Art competition.
Information for parents.
Whole school assembly.
The Manchester College, FL WYD004
Delivering a day in our Tutorial on Internet safety and creating a project to display on our wall 16-19 with EHCP and the students in our PRU(pupil referral unit) Year 11 who are also part of our Foundation Learning Department.
Safer Internet Day
Enercon Windfarm Services Ireland Ltd
information email and posters to be distributed in canteen and workplace
Safer Internet Day
Dromindoora National School
We plan to have lessons educating children on internet safety. The children will also produce posters highlighting internet safety.
Safer Internet Day
St Louis Monaghan
Our plans are to do quizzes on cyberbullying for example kahoots and mentimeter
Do a slideshow on which pictures are real and ai
Raise awareness/ do a slideshow on scam messages and emails and know which messages are legit and which aren't legit
Garda School Visit
St. Joseph's N. S.
Garda talk to 3rd-6th classes. In-school poster competition amongst middle to senior classes to initiate group discussions as well as the younger classes participating in the HTML colouring competition. Safety online video presentations will be shown to all classes and parents will be guided to the webwise hub along with posters displayed on our school facebook page.
Be Safe on Screens
Broombridge Educate Together
I am a student teacher organising safer internet day in my school. This is a whole school plan. We will hold a safer internet day assembly, led by Home School Community Liaison. Senior classes will have a poster competition about wise and balanced screen time. Younger classes will engage with ICT which is active and engaging, to show the difference between that and passive screentime
Safer Internet Day 2025
St Molaga's SNS
Each class will participate in SID lessons and then respond to what they have learned in a variety of ways, discussions, art, writing etc.
Lá na sábháilteachta idirlín GBB 2025
Gaelscoil Bhrian Bóroimhe
Html heroes, webwise resources, parent emails, newsletters, assembly announcements
Scoil Mhuire
Aisling O'Callaghan
Classroom activities
Teacher lessons
Parent information
Presentation Primary
Presentation Primary Terenure
Teachers will discuss SID with their classes.
Safer Internet Day with SARAN
Scoil Aodh Rua agus Nuala
For Safer Internet Day in our school, each class will devote the day to education on internet safety, digital tools, how to be 'webwise' and how to promote and share knowledge on internet safety with others. We will host an Internet Safety talk for parents in the evening and the children will hopefully come home from school with cool wristbands to reinforce the message.
260 from junior infants to sixth class including three ASD classes.
Poster on Internet Safety
St Joseph's Primary School
Creating and displaying Internet safety pisters
Awareness Day at Lisheen NS
Lisheen NS
Each class will complete lessons from We wise and HTML Heroes. We will also create posters in small groups with Internet safety messages. There will be a focus on understanding and how to deal with Cyber bullying
HFSNS Safer Internet Day
Holy Family Senior National School
All of our classes will explore lessons under the Safer Internet day theme: Prepare / Protect / Thrive. 3rd and 4th classes will focus on HTML Heroes and 5th and 6th classes will focus on the Prepare / Protect / Thrive and Tech in our Word presentations. All classes will engage in a poster competition based on this years theme. Pupils will discuss and demonstrate ways in which they can be a Cyber Superhero.
CBS Safer Internet Day
CBS Primary Dundalk
We intend to have a whole school awareness day with a member of an Garda Siochana coming in to talk to the children about internet safety. There are a lot of problems in this school re cyber bulging. so we need to address from all angles.
Safer Internet Day – Lets Zone in on The Internet !- whole school participation – activities relevant to each level.
Scoil Ide NS,
We will explore Safety Online using many of the excellent Webwise resources. Senior Classes will visit junior classes and give powerpoint presentations. We welcome parental involvement.
Keep Safe on the Internet!
St. Michael's NS
We are hoping to raise awareness of the safe use of the internet through story,role play with older children composing their own poems/raps
Let’s be prepared at St Catherine’s
St Catherine’s NS
We will do activities for Safer internet day outlined on web wise and communicate with parents the theme of this years safer internet day
Calry Safer Internet Awareness Day
St. Patrick's NS
All children in each classroom will engage in activities around the theme of be safe online.
Parents will be given a talk in the evening about online safety.
Safer Internet Day
Scoil Réalt na Mara
We plan to host an awareness day in our halla for all classes
Glenroe CNS
Glenroe CNS
Using webwise videos to teach how to be safer on the internet
Louisburgh Foroige SID
Louisburgh Foroige - Tech Room
deliver Post-Primary – Prepare / Protect / Thrive in our new Tech Space
Howth Road Safer Internet Day
Howth Road National School
Info Stand: Sharing parent information packs & coloring templates
School Sessions: Age-appropriate lessons on online safety
Smartphone Pledge: Sign up for our responsible phone use philosophy
We would love a speaker if possible but understand this is likely last minute.
St Kevin’s Safer Internet Day
St Kevin’s NS
We The Parents Association plan to promote safer internet within the school
Safety Online
Bandonbridge NS
Each class will complete tasks on Safety Online
Webinar, Stay Safe Online lessons and activities, Poster Competition
Scoil Naomh Mhuire
Poster Competition
Lessons on staying safe online in Junior, Middle and Senior Rooms
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál Newinn
-Discuss internet safety with children
Principal is an oide education in technology tutor, he will visit each class highlighting safer internet and how to be safe online
Use of webwise website for resources for parents and teachers
Safe Surfing the Web
Niall Mór NS
4th, 5th, 6th classes to take part in Circle time discussions on Internet safety.
Internal art competition.
Safer Internet Day Lisnagry
Lisnagry National School
School wide promotion of Safer Internet Day. Teachers will use the webwise and safer Internet Day resources and lessons to highlight safe use of internet across the school. Children will engage with online activities using tablets and chromebooks. The school will share activities with the school community through social media and newsletter.
Safer Internet Day Event 2025
Newtown NS
We plan on gathering the school together to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. We will discuss how strangers are online and we should never engage with those we don’t know especially without parental supervision. We will give out the wristbands and ask the children to create artwork based on the day. The children will also be shown the videos provided on the website.
Safer Internet Day Scoil Naomh Fionán
Scoil Fhionáin
Each class will drop all work at the same time and get involved in the webwise presentations suiting their class with their teachers. The children will respond using a form of artwork.
A text will be sent to all parents to let them know the children have no homework and the children must ensure parents explore the webwise site and watch a video/presentation referring to the children's age they have.
Poster competition
Holy Family JNS
Poster competition promoting Safe Internet Access
Whole school 250
Safer Internet Week 2025
Kilcoole PS
Awareness raising week through engaging with and discussing Webwise / Oide / Dreamspace Safer Internet Day resources.
Ballygar ns safer online
Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal
We will host safer internet day workshops with each class, come up with guidelines and rules for staying safe online and design a poster
Be Internet Smart Day 2025 ‘Pause before you Post’
St. Baithin's N.S.
Children in the middle and senior classes will receive a talk from the Donegal Youth Service, with our local community garda also present.
Specific lessons on internet safety will be taught.
Parents are invited to a talk facilitated by the Donegal Youth Service at 7 pm in the school
Safer Internet Week @ Cappagh NS
St Colmans NS Cappagh
We will be holding Safer Internet Week for First time ever.
We will be holding events in each classrroom.
We have a community Garda and parent coming to deliver a workshop
and we will have a whole school assembly promoting safety online.
We will also have a whole school poster competition
School based programme
Wandesforde National School
Parents will be invited in to the school to listen to a talk in the evening about safer internet use with their children.
Scoil Cholmcille Safer Internet Day
Scoil Cholmcille
Be kind online Garda Programme
Colouring competition
In class lessons on internet safety
Parent talk
Outside FRC giving Internet Safety Talks
St Enda’s NS Safer Internet Day 2025
St Enda's National School, Lisdoonvarna
Each class will work on fun activities throughout the day to learn about being safe on the internet. Junior Classes will work on the HTML Heroes programme & the Senior Classes will complete some lessons from My Selfie & the Wider World. Students will also complete wordsearches, discussions surrounding safe internet usage and design posters to display in school. Picture books will be used to facilitate discussions for the Junior classes too.
Lá le haghaidh Idirlíon níos sábháilte i Scoil an D!
Scoil an Duinnínigh
Gníomhaíochtaí ranga, ceachtanna webwise.
St. Peter’s Stay Safe Online
St Peter's National School
Pupil led activities
Workshops with Cyber Safe Kids
Parents Talk
In school poster Competition
Our Digital Future – Staying Safe in a Changing World
Patrician Academy Mallow
Wed 5th March Plans - Scavenger Hunt for 1st years, Quiz and Garda talk for 2nd years, Walking debate on our theme - 5th Years, Celebrity Cameo video for all year groups. Work with the Art and Music departments on competitions to create a rap and / or a piece of art / poster, prizes and treats organised. Promotion of digital wellbeing screen free activities throughout the day. Advice for parents on Webwise supports.
St. Paul’s Safer Internet Day 2025
St. Paul's Ratoath
We plan to have a talk from Barnardos. Our IT Committee will be going around the younger classes speaking to them about Internet safety. There'll be an art competiton as well as games and activities during the day.
Kilglass Safer Internet Day
Kilglass NS
There will be a whole school focus on Internet use during the week including using the Webwise resources, some buddy work between classes and hopefully entering the competitions for the day too.
120 (69 if only sending out for the older classes)
Lá le haghaidh Idirlíon níos sábháilte i Scoil an D!
Scoil an Duinnínigh
Ceachtanna sa rang, ealaín ó na ranganna.
Safer Internet day 2025
St. Patricks Special School
- Invite the gardai into our school for a talk.
- Promote responsible photo sharing
- Safer Internet day presentation.
- Poster competition
Safer Internet Day Events 2025
St Marnocks NS Portmarnock
The school via class teachers generally provides age based appropriate resources to be taught at each of the class levels throughout Safer Internet Day.
Tooban NS
St Mura's NS
Whole school approach - using HTML Heroes resources & Webwise
SID Awareness Day
Lower Glanmire National School- (13663W)
-5th/6th create a SID video on Canva to raise awareness and show it to the younger classes.
- Webwise activities in each class.
-Colouring sheets/poster competition in Jrs-4th.
Le Chéile Secondary School Safe Internet Day
Le Chéile Secondary School
Our SID will aim to create a positive and inviting day for our students, staff and parents. Through online quizzes, student created instructional videos and gameshow like activities, all stakeholders will learn to be more prepared when going online.
965 students, 65 staff and parents.
Holy Spirit Safer Internet Day
Holy Spirit Senior Primary School
We will promote a better, safer internet by using the Webwise SID Presentations in all classrooms. We will run an anti-bullying poster competition and display the posters around the school.
Scavenger Hunt in School- Two levels, Junior and Senior
Nagle-Rice Primary School
Whole School education around the programmes e.g. HTML Heroes for First Class.
QR Code in Pairs using Ipads to reveal Numbers which will reveal a code of "Bí Cineálta, Bí Sábháilte" ("Be Kind, Be Safe") for senior classes.
Picture and message for Junior classes
Safer Internet Day Ballysteen
Ballysteen NS
Poster competitions, circle time, talks, webwise lessons & videos, possible visit from local garda
22 pupils
Safer Internet Day
St Bernadettes SS
Lesson plans tackling what is safe cyber use. In school competitions. Parent involvement also.
Whole school (approx 136)
Scoil Chros tSeáin Safer Internet Day
Scoil Chros tSeáin
All classes will do internet safety lessons on Webwise
Information for parents will be posted on website
Poster competition for all classes
Cyber Safety
Greystones Educate Together National School
We plan to make the day with a week of classroom based activities including the videos and presentations from webwise.
Older classes (5th and 6th class) will have the local Garda giving a talk on cyber safety.
Activities across the school including designing posters, taking the viral photo challenge and creating own dramas.
We'll share resources with our parent community also.
437, with more of a focus in the senior end (5th and 6th class - 110 students)
Safer Internet Day
Scoil Mhuire Ballyhogue
We plan to have a speaker in on the day to do a workshop with our pupils. We then hope to get the pupils to create short videos to promote Internet safety awareness. We will be sending home information and advice to parents which will also be available on our website. We will send home Internet safety homework for that week also.
Internet safety awareness
St. Brendan’s NS Muckalee
Children will design posters with a safer Internet message, sing songs, hear stories and older classes will explore web wise lessons.
Poster Competition
St.Raphaela's Primary School
We will be promoting online safety in our SPHE lesson from infants to 6th classes. We are holding a whole school campaign for Together for a Better Internet. All students will be creating posters. We will have prizes per class and assembly on Together for a Better Internet.
Swords Educate Together STAR Day
Swords Educate Together National School
We are having a speaker from Barnardos on Online Safety. This is cover the STAR Programme. It will promote allowing children to make good choices online, encourage critical thinking online, discussing cyber bullying and creating awareness about digital wellbeing.
We also plan on giving out booklets to the parent body.
Whole parent body for bootklets, Workshops are for 5th and 6th = 120 kids. Whole school to receive a wrist band if possible. 440
Springdale Safer Internet Day
Springdale National School
We are planning events over the whole week. Teachers will use Webwise to select fun activities to teach about online safety for Safer Internet Day. Each class will have an opportunity to share their learning in assembly. We have selected an internet safety song which the whole school will learn and perform. We will also organise a poster competition based on the theme “Together for a better internet”. Highlights from the week will be shared with the whole school community on our website.
Harold’s Cross NS Safer Internet Day 2025
Harolds Cross National School
We will have poster copetitions, Digital Safety and Citizenship lessons and workshops for children and parents.
Webwise lessons/Guest Speakers
Mary, Help of Christians GNS
We hope to use the webwise lessons.
Guest speakers to promote a 'safer internet'.
Art work to promote the day.
Rathmichael Parish National School Safer Internet Day
Rathmichael Parish National School
Safety lessons, poster competition
Safer Internet Day
Coralstown National School
Raise awareness of online safety.
Teach students how to stay safe while using the internet.
Encourage respectful online behavior.
Provide a platform for students to voice their thoughts on internet safety.
New Inn NS
New Inn National School
Inviting a guard in to give a talk about the use of the internet
St Patricks NS Shercock Safer Internet Day
St Patricks NS Shercock
School wide Internet safety lessons.
Safer Internet Day 2025
St Peter and Pauls National School
My computer class will be learning about internet safety and will prepare presentations for the class on what they have learned.
Safer Internet Day
Kilskyre NS
Lessons in each class on Safer Internet. Assembly about Safer Internet Day
Whole School Digital Wellbeing Week
Finn Valley College
Pupils and staff will engage with online lessons prior to the Safer Internet Day and pupils will then make presentation to peers in small groups and in larger groups.
Poster competition for all.
Pupils will engage with interactive online games with each other in class.
Safer Internet for all
Cloverfield National School- (15700M)
A variety of activities for all class levels appropriate to their ages will be done throughout the day
Redeemer Safer Internet Day 2025
Redeemer Boys' NS
We will have Community Gardaí giving a safer interent day talk to children and an art competition to create a poster with prizes. We will also have a kahoot quiz in each class.
Safer Internet Day
Our Lady's Abbey
To complete the Webwise lessons with all classes regarding safe internet use.
Scoil Eoin Baiste
Scoil Eoin Baiste
We are organising an internet safety day in our school. We are asking parents to participate also.
Athlone Community College
Athlone Community College
We plan to get a local Garda in to talk to over 300 students about being safe online. We are running a poster competition. We will survey students and send out some info to parents about online safety for their children.
Safer Internet Day Cashel BNS
St John the Baptist BNS
As the Digital Learning co-ordinator, I plan to give the presentation to 5th and 6th Class as well as speaking to the whole school about Safer Internet Day at assembly the previous Friday. I will communicate the parent resources to parents via out Aladdin Connect. 1st and 2nd Class teachers will begin the html Heroes Programme this week as well.
Safer Internet Day – Events over the week
Bunclody Community College
It is being run as part of Wellbeing Week, all the IT classes will be given a presentation on Safer Internet use and there will be lunchtime activities highlighting Safer Internet practices. There will be an Art Competition and the students are coming up with a theme with prizes (any help here would be great!).
Kilbrittain NS SID
Kilbrittain NS
Whole school lessons and workshops regarding safe internet use.
Holy Family NS
Holy Family NS
Use Webwise resources in classes.
Design safer Internet posters - competition each class room
Display the posters
Gaelscoil Sáirséal’s Internet Safety Day
Gaelscoil Sáirséal
We plan to counter cyberbullying with a positive messages campaign. We plan to get the pupils to create colourful antibulllying posters with positive uplifting thoughts.
Safer Internet Day
Scoil Realta na Mara-Kilmore Ns
Internet safety talk from the Gardai
Internet safety lessons for all classes.
Safer Internet Day Drimoleague NS
Drimoleague Senior N.S.
We plan to teach lessons on staying safe online using the resources on webwise.
Children will design a poster promoting internet safety.
We will send tips to parents.
Our Lady’s College Internet Safety
Our Lady's College
All SPHe classes are having Safer Internet Day Classes.
St. Mary’s Safer Internet Day
St. Mary's secondary School
Ty and first year will organise different events throughout the week:
1. First year poster competition on Internet safety & Art teachers will judge
2. LIFT activity with ty and first year class on Cyberpositivity
3. Ty & LCA students will organise a quiz and fun games with all first years & hand out wristbands to all involved
Let’s all stay safe
Esker ETNS
A whole school approach to Internet safety, each class watching videos and discussing Internet safety at appropriate levels.
Internet Safety Talks
Robertson National School
Internet safety based lessons with all children from 2nd - 6th Class
Lá sábhailte ar líne GCU
Gairmscoil Chú Uladh
The Healthy Schools Committee are organising class activities at assembly in the morning. We have guest speakers, juvenile liaison officer, coming in to give a talk to all years and each teacher has been asked to bring awareness to Internet safety in their classes during the day. During that week we are organizing a kindness week and different activities will be running throughout the week finishing with a while school Quiz on Friday.
Safer Internet Day Events 2025
Scoil Cholmcille SNS
Cyber Safety Workshop:
Led by a Garda representative or cybersecurity expert.
Covers scams, strong passwords, and reporting inappropriate content.
Digital Footprint Awareness Activity:
Group discussions on online behavior and its effects.
Poster creation: "What Your Digital Footprint Says About You."
Poster Competition:
Theme: "A Safer Internet Starts with Me!"
“Digital Detective Training”
Access I.T
"Digital Detective Training" (30 mins)
Fun quiz identifying safe vs suspicious messages
Password creation game
What to share/not share online
"Safety Skills Practice" (30 mins)
Role-play handling unsafe situations
When to tell a trusted adult
Kind online behavior examples
"Take-Home Mission" (15 mins)
Safety certificates
Family internet rules worksheet
Emergency contacts card
Safer Internet Day
St. John's PS
Whole school assembly
Each class will participate on Internet safety projects including webinars, creating posters and videos to share.
Our Lady of Mercy NS
Our Lady of Mercy NS
Classroom based events with tasks to complete at home with parents
St Oran’s Safer Internet Day Assembly
St Oran’s NS
Poster competition, talk by Donegal Youth service for children and maybe parents. Sponsored 24hr digital detox organised by our Student Council, staying safe online lessons delivered in class and whole school assembly.
DreamSpace Safer Internet Session
Graignamanagh Boys' N.S.
Our 5th class pupils will run a DreamSpace session with all pupils around internet safety and the impact of influencers. Also we are running a poster competition.
Safer Internet Day – Awareness Campaign on Online Influences
Holy Child Killiney
We aim to use the SID PPT during Second Year SPHE to get students to think more critically on the benefits and challenges with online influences. We hope that this cohort of students will then create an awareness campaign at whole school level eg. make a video to send to parents and students or make a presentation in the Hall during lunch. It is hoped that wristbands for all of First and Second Years would also raise awareness for SID.
Drumfad NS Internet Safety
Drumfad NS
Garda information talk and action planning day on how to use the internet.
Digiwise Internet Safety Talk
Patrickswell NS
Internet Safety Talk.
Poster display.
Internet Safety video unveiling.
Safer Internet Day
St. Michael's National School
Pupils will engage in a variety of internet safety resoruces.
Junior and Senior Infants: Digiduck Book
First and Second Class: HTML Heroes
Third and Fourth Class: HTML Heroes
Fifth and Sixth Class: MySelfie
Cross NS Internet Safety Day
Cross NS
Lessons on internety safety. Launch of voluntary mobile phone agreement - parents can sign up to agree not to purchase a phone until their child reaches secondary school.
Safer Internet Day
Rathnure NS
Garda coming to talk with pupils, colouring competition, Webwise Lessons
Safer Internet Day St Kenny NS Kilpatrick
St Kenny NS Kilpatrick
We are planning on presenting resources re safe use of internet and sharing ideas as to how to behave online. Classes will make and share videos re how to behave correctly and safely online.
Breifne College Safer Internet Day
Breifne College
We have a the Gardai coming in to do a talk with first year pupils.
During tutor time for all pupils across the school we will be using webwise resources to inform pupils about internet safety.
We also have a poster competition for all year groups.
Information leaflets will be shared with parents on our social media pages.
145 (first year)
St. Mary’s P.S Athlone, Safer Internet Day 2025
St Mary’s Primary school
Poster competition,
Role play,
Garda visit for cyber bullying awareness
Safer Internet Day 2025 -St. Patrick’s Primary School, Magheralin
St. Patrick's Primary School, Magheralin
Dedicated assembles
Individual class activities
Sharing resources on our social media pages/school website
Signposting parents to available resources for safer internet use, Child Protection and Safeguarding issues
Linking back tot he work already covered this academic year - included workshops for parents, teachers and children - dedicated workshops from REIM Training, Thrive Academy and the PSNI.
Awareness of Key skills for Responsible Use of Internet
St Joseph's Boarding Campus for Deaf Boys
Informal sharing of information Looking at some videos with young people . Will ask interpreters to include Sign Language
Poster creation
Burnchurch National School
We will use the Webwise Resources available to us
We will also get the children to design posters to have a 'mini competition' in each class for the best poster and slogan.
These will be displayed around the school
The school is also hoping to get an external speaker to speak to the students, staff and parents about internet safety.
Castlebar Primary School – Together for a Better Internet
Castlebar Primary School - Senior Campus
Poster & multimedia competition.
Class discussions and activities.
Wellness online - tips and tricks.
Learning how to be a better digital citizen.
Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach SID 2025
Gaelscoil Ghleann Darach
Our school will run a poster competition highlighting online safety, gaming online and what not to share online in particular.
Breaffy Internet Safety Day
Breaffy NS
Group workshops, video productions
Poster Competition
Scoil Mhuire
We are organising a poster competition for the school with prizes for each class - artwork and slogan
Older girls will make poster on chromebooks/ipad
School Assembly and competition
Scoil Mhuire na nAingeal
Whole school Assembly with sole focus on Internet safety
Teach webwise lessons this week
Art competition
Rap competition in middle classes
Design your own board game to teach Internet safety in senior classes, these games will then be played with junior classes
Digiducks with junior classes
Design a padlet of information to be shared with parents
Safer Internet Day @ SMM
Scoil na Maighdine Mhuire
To promote awareness and have some fun activities in school
Barnardos Online Safety Programme – Parents Webinar for SID 2025 – “Prepare / Protect / Thrive: Navigating Algorithms and Influencers”
Barnardos Online Safety Programme
We are hosting a free, public online safety webinar for parents under the SID 2025 theme “Prepare / Protect / Thrive: Navigating Algorithms and Influencers” on Tuesday 11th Feb at 7pm to discuss ways that parents can help the young people in their life to explore their online world in a safe way.
Register here:
St John’s Safer Internet Day 2025
St John's Parochial School
Whole school assembly.
Zoom for the senior classes.
Poster competition.
Resource pack for parents
APS safer internet day 2025
Academy Primary School
We are hosting a number of workshops for KS1, KS2 and for parents. the P7s are also going through training on how to be safe while on a mobile phone.
Design a safer internet day slogan on seesaw
St Fiacc's NS
An online Zoom assembly showcasing the safer internet digital creations by each classroom promoting internet safety
Poster Competition
Scoil N Erc
Classes will do lessons from Webwise and then complete a poster
150-Whole School
SMaE Safer Internet Day
Scoil Mhuire agus Eoin
Each class, with their teacher, focuses on age appropriate safer Internet lessons.
CETNS Safer Internet Day
Carrigaline Educate Together NS
We plan on having different class levels doing various activities in relation to this year's theme. We plan on watching videos based on internet safety, undertaking fun wordsearches, talking about the 'granny rule' and hopefully having a local garda come in to speak to the older classes about internet safety. We may have a poster competition in the run up to the day to create awareness and we will reveal the winners on the day itself
Safer Internet in Scoil Thomáis
Scoil Thomáis
We have a speaker from Cyber Safe KIds coming to talk to classes from 3rd - 6th. Pupils in younger classes will work together to explore what it means to be safe online
333 pupils in total
Together for a better internet
Church Hill NS
Using the theme "together for a better internet" are plan to to share resources and play, research online in pairs and in groups. We will use resources from with promote kindness and anti-bullying online
Whole school
Safer internet day at BCA
Blessed Carlos Acutis Catholic and CofE Academy
Discussions, quizzes, debates and competitions- posters and information points
Safer Together
Holy Rosary Primary School
Teachers to present to class
Poster competition
Older classes to share in younger classes
Stay safe online
St Francis Xavier Junior NS
Zeeko will speak to parents and children. Teachers will teach Stay Safe lessons and other lessons focusing on staying safe online.
Think Before You Click !
Castleblayney College
Number of talks for each year group in their SPHE class. Parents talk. Number of workshops based on the info suitable for students both using outside agencies and school webwise resources.
420 students and 40 students plus parents
Safer Internet Day Scoil Bhríde
Scoil Bhríde
Webwise activities
Poster campaign
Sherborne Primary Poster Competition
Sherborne Primary School
We are going to be running a poster competition.
Safer Internet Week
St.Patrick's NS
Safer Internet Week- poster competition, presentations by pupils for pupils, quiz etc.
Seachtain na Teicneolaíochta
Scoil Uí Dhálaigh
Our Internet Safety Day will begin our Technology Week in our school.
We have planned Laochra HTML lessons and Digi Duck for the younger classes.
Whole school
Safer internet lessons
Killoughteen N.S.
Every class from Juniors to Sixth will have a lesson on internet safety.
Key Conversations for Safer use of Internet
St Cronan’s National School
Talk for parents: Key Conversations with Monica Rowe
Pupils in 5th and 6th will take part in Internet Safety Workshops: Self Esteem, Online Behaviour and Use of Social Media.
Pupils in 1st to 4th class will complete Webwise programme for their class
Parents Clinic Coffee Morning
Smartphone Free Committee, Monkstown Educate Together National School
A drop in parent clinic, led by parents on the committee. Where parents can get advice and information on internet Safety for their children from a Garda from the Online Child Exploitation Unit and other tech savvy parents on setting up parental controls and appropriate monitoring and information on various platforms.
30 approx
Safer Internet Day 2025
St. John Bosco Community College
Poster campaign, Pop Quiz, PowerPoint presentations, Intercom announcements.
Information evening.
AI and Cyberbullying ┃Comeragh College┃
Comeragh College
Garda Talk for online Safety, Cyber bullying, etc.
Celebrity Cameo videos.
Presentations, Quizzes, Surveys, Poster Competition
Webwise Activities
100+ Students
St Brigid’s Safer Internet Day 2025
St Brigid’s PS the Coombe
Parent workshops
Garda workshop
Competition Safer Internet Day
We wise resources for teachers distribution
Safe Internet Day
St Brigid's primary school
Poster competitions
Webwise activities
Safer Internet teacher led
Safer Internet across our community
St. Etchen's National School
We are promoting our safer internet pledges. We ask parents to pledge not to provide a smartphone for their child until 6th class, not to have devices in children's bedrooms at night, not to allow children to access inappropriate games/platforms and not to allow unsupervised access to devices in bedrooms. We will promote the event on our social media page and within our school. The children will engage with the Webwise Safer Internet lessons and we will have a poster competition.
Stay safe online
St Teresas NS
Health and Wellbeing Committee will promote it among staff and pupils with posters
Garda Visit
Possible Parent Talk
Sphe Lessons
Safer Internet Action Day
St Mary's Central School
All classes will explore Webwise lessons, poster competitions, Internet Safety talk from local Garda.
Ballymitty NS get involved
St. Joseph's N.S
Our senior classes have begun a cyber safety programme with Cyberschool for 8 weeks. Our 1st/2nd class are following The HTML Heroes programme for 5 weeks. We will also have a local garda visit the school in around Feb 11th to speak to all classes about Internet Safety.
Internet Safety
St. Mary's Parochial School
Create awareness to pupils.
Use resources from SID and Webwise.
Tutor time awareness
Ardscoil na Tríonóide
A student committee has carried out a survey of all year groups to get an idea of screen time, apps used etc by our students. The committee are running an awareness campaign during tutor time to highlight safer internet day and to share their findings.
160 first year students
Safer Internet Day ETSS
Group activities, discussions and mindfulness events during tutor time, SPHE classes and lunch break
Students will reflect on different aspects of their online life. How much do we reveal online? Does that make us vulnerable? What is FOMO and how to deal with it? How to introduce a healthy routine and balance in our online life? Are we legally responsible for our actions in online world.
Students will take part in short activities from Monday to Friday during tutor time. They will also complete a survey about their biggest problems and worries in online space.
Safer Internet Day
Churchtown NS
Using lesson plans to discuss abd highlight Safer Internet Use
Bushypark National School Safer Internet Day
Bushypark N.S.
Internet Safety promotion by Students Council
Tying in the Day with our Anti-Bullying Week
Talk from external person on Internet Safety
Internet Safety themed actvities
Whole School Internet Safety Day
Scoil mhuire Gan Smal
The whole school will participate in online safety lessons.
Rampark NS Safer Internet Day
Rampark NS
Hoping to have the Gardaí give our students an online safety talk.
We will take part in a poster competition, quizzes, and look at the webwise powerpoints about SID.
St Joseph’s College Safer Internet Day 2025
St Joseph's College Borrisoleigh
I plan to show students videos on how to use the internet in a safe manner. I also aim to get a member of the guards who specialises in this area. Set up a stall in the corridor on best practice and an information desk.
Assembly Presentation
St. Joseph's P.S
Classes are preparing to make a video / presentation highlighting Safer Internet Day 2025. They will work in class groupings aided by teachers. Finished videos and/or presentations will be shown at whole school assembly and posted to school website.
Internet Safety Tubber NS
Tubber NS
We will complete the webwise lessons at each class level, we will do an art competition within classes for the best and most informative internet safety poster and discuss at assembly the topic of internet safety.
Safer Internet Day Slogan and Poster Competition
Seamount College Kinvara
As Wellbeing Coordinator, I will be liaising with all Wellbeing and SPHE Teachers in 1st -3rd Year.
Firstly, I will be dispersing all resources and presentations from Webwise to be used during class, with all themes Safer Internet Day.
I will be running a poster and slogan competition with prizes for the winning slogan. The slogan must align with the theme of a 'Safer Internet for all'.
All winning posters and slogans will be celebrating on School Social Media.
Safer Internet Day 2025
Art competition, scavenger hunt, information for parents, displays in school, online information for school community , Webwise resources
Scoil Aireagail Internet Safety week
Scoil Aireagail
As part of Internet Safety Week, students in Computer and Digital Media Literacy and SPHE classes are learning about staying safe online. Throughout the school, posters will be displayed to raise awareness about digital safety. We also hope to host a guest speaker to further educate students on this important topic. Together, we aim to promote responsible and safe internet use across the school community.
Safe Internet Day
Muinefliuch NS
Class Discussion
Student Council Address
Be Prepared! – online safety for scouts
87th Dublin Polish Scout Group
Every year scout section in 87th Dublin Polish Group celebrate Safe Internet Day
Being a scout is all about being prepared. Not only in the woods, but in everyday life.
We teach young people about life skills to become better leaders in the future.
Scoil Na Croise Naofa Safer Internet Day.
Scoil Na Croise Naofa
Student Council will inform all pupils about Safer Internet Day and provide each class with resources and wristbands. Parents will also be informed through social media and home school connections.
St Mary’s BNS Internet Safety Day 2025
St Marys BNS Bootestown
Discussions in class about internet safety
All Staff and Children.
TY presentations to junior classes and awareness leaflets and competition.
Grennan College
TY presentations to junior classes and awareness leaflets and competition held at break time.
Be kind online
Curraglass National School
Visit from an Garda
Engaging in Be Kind on Line
Truth Matters
Rockbrook Park School
We plan on highlighting and educating about false information online in a fun and imformaitve way with our 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th year classes. We hope to also give them some useful skills they can imploment in their lives to combat false information.
Approxametly 120
Safer Internet across our school community 2025
St. Etchen's National School
Promote online safety through student activities, parental engagement, and school-wide initiatives.
Key Activities:
Classroom Lessons: All classes will use "Web Wise" resources.
Parental Pack: Tips and resources sent home.
Assembly: 6th class presents an online safety video; younger classes color safety-themed pictures.
Newsletter: Online safety tips shared.
Foster a whole-school approach to online safety.
410 pupils
Safer Internet Day
Loreto PS Dalkey
All children will take part in Safer Internet Day activities - older children will create some activities for younger children.
Hollypark Safer Internet lá
St.Patrick's BNS (Hollypark)
We will be holding a school wide awareness day from the Junior end of the school to 6th class.
Safer Internet Day 2025
Kinsalebeg NS
Lessons from website
Whole school awareness
Older classes will make posters to spread awareness with slogans
Younger classes will draw pictures
Clonoulty NS Internet Safety Day
Clonoulty National School
The week before SID we will survey each individual class to see what their online world and experience is like! Following this lessons will address the issue in that particular class and parents will be asked to be involved too.
St Kilian’s SNS Safer Internet Day
St Kilian's SNS
Engage in activities promoting Safer Internet Day including poster competitions and online games e.g. Blooket relating to SID.
Make a Poster
St Andrews College Junior School
We will be making posters to explain how to be safe when using the Internet
St. Mary’s Safer Internet Day
St. Mary's BNS
- Webwise Safer Internet Day lessons
- AI or Artist display, discussion and quiz in the Halla
- Kahoot quiz developed by the student council
- Poster Competition for 1st-4th classes made using a digital technology
- Video Competition acting out a scenario for 5th/6th classes
Safer Internet Day
Thomas Bullock CE Primary and Nursery Academy
School assembly led by children
Class learning
Class activities
Safer Internet Day
Timahoe N.S
Use Webwise resources to teach and inform about Safer Internet Practices.
Safer Internet Day @ Listellick NS 2025
Listellick National School
Every teacher will teach some lessons on Safer Internet Usage, using the resources found on the website. We will distribute all the available resources to the parents in our school. Conversations around safer internet usage will be generated and encouraged in all classrooms. Awareness will be raised on all of the schools social media platforms. We will invite two of our local community gardaí up to the school to talk about safer internet usage.
approximately 200
St Mary’s CBS Safer Internet Day 2025
St Marys CBS
We plan to create awareness across all curriculums
We have a visit ffrom our local gardai to talk about being safe online
Our Senior RE classes will study Coco's Law
Our SPHE & CSPE classes will use the webwise resources & videos
Our Digital Leaders will speak to our 1st year computer classes about being safe online
Our Digital Leaders will hold a clinic at lunchtimes to help anyone with tech issues
over 700
Colouring Competition
Dunboyne Junior School
We have been working on our Digital Citizenship Programme during January and February.
The children will have the opportunity to take part in an Internet Safety related colouring competition on the day.
Safer Internet Day 2025
Scoil Bhride Athgarvan
Guest speaker from an Garda.
Webwise videos & discussion.
"The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin" & discussion.
Create internet safety poster.
Roleplay 'what would you do?'
Online Safety Quiz
Granagh Stays Safe Online
Granagh NS
We have already undertaken our 6 week Stay Safe Online course during SPHE using the Myselfie and the wider world series. We will revisit it's key components and finalize our in class contract on Internet Safety day as well as creat our school posters for other classes to study.
Staying safe online,
Our Lady of Mercy Convent School
The students have made a powerpoint presentation for internet safety day, and it will go into staying safe online, password protection, be safe with AI etc.
Safer internet day
Hollymount National School
Online safety webinars and quiz suitable for classes, story books for junior classes and PowerPoints, information notes to parents
Safer Internet Day 2025
Hadnall C of E Primary School
Hi we have recently launched a new safeguarding squad of 6 children who will be delivering a fun action packed week for safer internet day. They will be delivering an assembly and then offering a drop in session for all children which we were hoping to provide them with a free wristband . The children have designed posters and quizzes.
Stay Safe Online
St.Anne's Loreto
All staff and parents in the school will be made aware of the date of Safer Internet Day. Lessons will be taught to all classes regarding how to stay safe online. A display will be created and kept up in school for all classes to see. An art competition will be held in school.
All classes in St. Anne's Loreto
Internet safe day in school
St Patrick’s ns Ballinagore
We are having internet day in our school
We are doing internet safety lessons and activities and a speaker in about safety on the web
Internet Safety Day
Scoil an Linbh Íosa
Guest speaker
Class based lessons on internet safety for every class.
St. Laserian’s Safer Internet Day 2025
St. Laserian's School
We will have a school wide assembly, and share resources for teachers (IT Padlet). I hope to have senior students break into groups to discuss scenarios, do Kahoots, and role play. I'd like classes to come up with an online code and potentially do a social media photo sharing experiment. I will share tips for families to our new social media accounts and send resources to parents through Aladdin.
Safer Internet Day 2025
St. Mary's NS
Plans to engage the children in a number of Webwise workshops to mark Safer Internet Day using Webwise resources.
Staying Safe Online Together
Ballinagree NS
Older children (4th to 6th class) will present their knowledge about internet safety and digital citizenship to the younger children (1st to 3rd) using what they have learned in class and using the Web Wise scripted presentation resources.
We will have an anti-cyberbullying poster competition also with older pupils creating their posters on Scratch.
Safer Internet Day
Killyconnan NS
Activities based around staying safe online
Poster competitions
Wellbeing Week
St Brigids and St Patricks NS
Children on the Wellbeing Team will create and perform a dance to the song on the webwise page
Whole School/ 25 children on the Wellbeing Team
Newbridge College Safer Internet Day 2025
Newbridge College
We are facilitating SPHE classes for the Junior Cycle students in our school. These lessons will help students broaden their understanding of Internet Safety and how to keep themselves safe online. We will also focus on how students can best navigate different algorithms and influences, which they may come across online.
Safer Internet Day
Our Lady's School
Each class will cover lessons about Internet Safety and links to parents will be sent to enable them to reinforce the key messages.
Key points from a guest speaker to the school will be reviewed focusing on safety online.
A Notice Board devoted to promoting Internet Safety will be crfeated in a prominent area in school to help raise awareness.
A school wide Internet Safety competition will be held.
Milltown NS- Internet Safety Week
Milltown NS
Webwise lessons will be used throughout the school. Children will take part in a popster competition. Children from 5th/6th will visit the younger classes in the school and teach them some tips about being safe online.
Stay Aware Online
Clara NS
We plan to utilise the webwise resources and combine them with some child led approaches and ideas to explore how we can stay safe online.
Screen N.S Safer Internet Day
Screen N.S
Information/talks for parents, staff and children
123 pupils plus parents and staff
Be Safe Online Slatta
Slatta National School
Use Webwise resources to facilitate discussions and activities about safety online
Internet safety
Athenry Primary School
We will gather all children and show them safety videos from webwise and also invite in a guest speaker.
Slogan Competition
Harold Boys’ NS
We are having a school wide internet safety slogan and poster competition. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize will be awarded in each class.
Safer Internet Day- Scoil Mhuire
Scoil Mhuire
Talks, projects, presentations & hopefully talk from community gardai.
Poster Competition Assembly
St Kevins' Girls National School Kilnamanagh Tallaght Dublin 24
We will be having a poster competition, a guest speaker for each grade level. We will also have a whole school assembly to celebrate and announce the winners in each class. There will be a noticeboard with information about staying safe online. We will also explore all the various Webwise resources according to class level.
Online Safety Day
Newtownards Model Primary School
The whole school will focus on Online Safety. There will be Online Safety Assemblies. Lessons will be differentiated and a poster competition will be held. The bracelets would be a great addition to the prize they will receive.
Safer Internet Day
St Patrick's NS
To raise awareness among children and parents
Lá sabháilte idirlíon
Gaelscoil Uí Fhiaich
The children will engage with the Webwise class materials, discuss the importance of being safe on the internet and how they can practise this at home.
Safer Internet Day
St Kilian's German School Primary
School Wide Safer Internet Poster Competition
Safer Internet presentations classes 1-6
Safer Internet Day in SPC
Scoil Phadraic Cailini
Internet safety competitions and lessons
Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘
Runshaw College
We have the local police coming into college with a stall bringing information to share. Quizzes and workshops will take place on the day to raise awareness about internet safety.
100 young people
Internet Safety workshops delivered by our Wellbeing Ambassadors to their peers, parents & local Primary School students
St Bricin's College
I plan to run training our Wellbeing Ambassadors up so they can deliver Internet Safety workshops to their peers, to students in our local feeder Primary schools and to parents also.
400 approx in total
St Catherine’s National School Safer Internet Day
St Catherine's National School
Internet safety workshops, internet safety poster and pledge competition, internet safety assembly.
190 pupils + teachers and parents
St. Oliver’s N.S., Carlingford
St. Oliver's NS
Design posters for Safer Internet day
Too good to be true?
Réalt na Mara NS
Pupils will engage in activities based on this years theme 'Too good to be true?… Protecting yourself and others from scams online’.
Activities will included reviewing Webwises PowerPoint, worksheets and posters.
Safer Internet Day in Carbury School
Carbury NS
We will host a Safer Internet Day and complete a range of activities in the classrooms.
Safer Internet Day – St. Peter Apostle Junior School, Neilstown, Clondalkin
St. Peter Apostle Junior School
We are planning a week full of activites to include:
parental involvement activities in class using beebots and ipads
Safer internet talk for parents
ipad buddies with our senior school
Menu of activities for all classes e.g Digiduck, Buddy the dog, design a game for the ipad, create an internet safety poster
Internet safety poster competition
Peer tutoring activities
Safer Internet Day
Thornleigh ETNS
- Increase the use of internet in safe ways throughout the school, focusing on the senior end. Each class getting a slot for chromebooks etc to get a chance to use the internet in positive ways
- Share class resources with whole school through teachers. All classes will do a lesson on Internet safety
School Awareness Day
Our Lady of Mercy SNS
Raise awareness through intercom announcements, poster competitions and assembly led by Student Council
Safer Internet Day Awareness
Loreto College Mullingar
Promote Coco’s Law
Showing how AI can trick us into believing it is real using real and AI generated images and accounts.
Showing examples of scam texts and what to avoid.
Sending out surveys to see how cyber safe we are online.
Promoting the One Good Adult campaign to promote cyber safety.
Using information resources to send to parents, educating on cyber safety
Safer Internet Day 2025
St George's NS
Every class in the school will complete a lesson on the safe use of the internet on Tuesday 11th February.
Safer Internet Day St. Laurence’s NS
St. Laurence's NS
-Colouring Competition (1st & 2nd Class)
-Poster competition (3rd - 6th Class)
-Communication with parents
-Webwise lessons
-Senior pupils presenting information/lessons to younger pupils
St. Declan’s Safer Internet Day
St. Declan’s N.S.
The student council will present short presentations to the senior classes.
We will give an announcement over the intercom, sharing a number of safe internet tips.
1st-6th classes will engage with the online materials, then completing the Kahoot quizzes when they have access to technology. The Infant classes will explore the Digiduck stories. A notice will be sent home to parents and the wristbands will hopefully act as a conversation starter outside of the school environment.
Rathbarry National School
Rathbarry National School
Working with the children to highlight the benefits and challenges of engaging with others online, taking care when posting items online and key points to be aware of when using the internet (using Webwise resources).
SCCRathmore N.S.
Scoil Chéile Chríost Rathmore N.S
Whole School Awareness Raising Lessons
Distribution of Webwise Parents Resources
Safer Internet Day
St. Ronan's NS
Digital Blackout
Completing the online lessons
Garda liaison talk with 5th and 6th
Poster Competition
Safer Internet Day Poster Competition
Santa Sabina Dominican College
Poster Display and Safer Internet Information Desk
Safer Internet Day Scoil Mhuire GNS
Scoil Mhuire GNS
Poster competition and Quiz.
SPHE Lessons.
Communication with parents.
Prepare / Protect / Thrive: Navigating Algorithms and Influencers
Assumption Junior School
This year we will consider how algorithms and influencers shape young people’s lives. We will have a number of activities such as 'The Algorithm Game' to help children understand how algorithms work in a simple way / 'The Influencer Puzzle' to helps children understand the difference between real life and the idealised online world & 'The Real or Fake Game' to help children develop critical thinking skills to identify misleading online information.
500 children
Asterdale safer internet day 2025
Ivengers questionnaires - team meeting collaboration within trust to discuss next steps.
Poster competition.
Class workshops
Possible performance
Digital school trail (based on online safety)
Nagle-Rice Primary School
Senior pupils presenting info to younger pupils, poster competitions, Garda visit Be Kind online, FUSE lessons & quiz
Sábháilteacht Idirlín
Gaelscoil Ó Doghair
Lesson lessons for all classes in school as per our Digital Learning Plan.
Internet Safety Awareness Day
Mount St Michael Secondary School
- year group talks about Internet Safety and Self-esteem, led by Student Digital Team.
- Digital classrooms: teachers to use digital technology in each class for the day.
- Digital Safety displays unveiled.
- Whole school internet safety quiz.
Safer Internet Week
St Mary's College Naas
We will have a safer Internet week in our school where activities eg. Quizzes and talks are organised. We will also send out a survey to find out about AI usage amongst students. And create a PowerPoint to send out to all classes displaying the survey results.
Whole school (approx 1000 students and 80 staff)
Peer Workshops
Temple Carrig School
TY students will be trained to deliver safer internet day activities with local primary school pupils to help prepare them for the new world of social media they will encounter when they get their first phone at the end of 6th class
Safer internet Day
Scoil Naomh Pádraig
Pupils , parents and teachers engaging in activities that will highlight the importance of safety online
Together at Rush for a better internet 2025
Rush National School
Projects tor create awareness in how to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially children and young people. Create age friendly posters, Older classes to present power points and hold workshops for the younger classes, involve parents in the day. Finer details to be confirmed in Jan. Caoimhe Cronin ( teacher/ facilitator for Webwise/ Oide) holding workshops for staff and possibly parents.
Clonoulty NS Internet Safety Day
Clonoulty National School
For Internet Safety Day this year, our school will focus on empowering students to navigate the online world safely and responsibly. Throughout the day, teachers will deliver engaging lessons on topics such as online privacy, cyberbullying, and the importance of protecting personal information. Interactive workshops and discussions will give students opportunities to share their experiences and learn practical strategies for staying safe online.
Coláiste Naomh Cormac Safer Internet Week
Coláiste Naomh Cormac
TY IT Team will run workshops with all non exam subjects about things they can do to have a safer Internet experience.
They will also create posters for the whole school and do a lunchtime stop shop to check in on how students are doing with being responsible Internet users.
Safer Internet Day 2025 – KNS
St John the Apostle, Knocknacarra NS
Teachers and Pupils will access the resources and lessons online from web wise
internet safety day and talks
Cloghroe NS
We will have someone speak in person or on Zoom with all classes from 3-6th.
Each teacher will work with the children to highlight responsible internet usage as well as online safety
Greenlanes Safer Internet Day
Greenlanes National School
Our Dream space Ambassadors will visit classes from 3rd to 6th, sharing safety tips
ECC Safer Internet Day
Enniscorthy Community College
Different activities, discussions and presentation for First Year.
Internet Safety Day
Scoil Iosef Naofa
We will run classes in the school using webwise resources to promote safer Internet practices. From Junior Infants to sixth class during the day.
330 (299 students and 31 teaching staff)
St. Mary’s National School
St. Mary's National School
Webwise lessons; art work and slogans around safer internet use; surveys for pupils and parents plus share results on newsletter
Prepare Protect Thrive in our Lives
St Malachy's BNS
We plan to do class lessons and discussions, poster competition and display, talks by older boys to younger boys, talks for parents
St Gabriels surfing safely
St Gabriels NS
Have some debates surrounding Internet safety.
Run a poster competition to promote safety online.
We have a teacher completing tutor training for the Digital Citizenship champion programme who will talk to all classes abourt Internet safety.
Create a poster to send home to parents.
Shanagolden N.S
Shanagolden N.S
Whole school celebration of safer internet day
114 children
St. Mary’s N.S. Ballygunner
St. Mary's N.S.
Safer Internet Coffee Morning Pupils/ Parents
Digital Presentation by pupils
Debate "Prepare - Protect - Thrive"
Poster Competition iPad Screen Saver
Staying Safe Online
Knockainey NS
Each class will focus on the positives and negatives of the internet.
Use webwise resources to show pupils how to be safe online.
Design cyber safety rules.
St. Declan’s Safer Internet Day
St. Declan's N.S.
The student council will present short presentations to the senior classes.
We will give an announcement over the intercom, sharing a number of safe internet tips.
1st-6th classes will engage with the online materials, then completing the Kahoot quizzes when they have access to technology. The Infant classes will explore the Digiduck stories. A notice will be sent home to parents and the wristbands will hopefully act as a conversation starter outside of the school environment.
Prepare, Protect, Thrive
Kilcummin National School
Plans include Webwise lessons, sharing information for parents on school website, talk from An Garda Síochána.
Safer Internet Day
St. Patrick’s NS Clogh
Whole school activities in addition to class activities
St. Brigid’s Safer Internet Day!
St. Brigid's GNS
We will use the fantastic Webwise resources with all of our classes from Junior infants to 6th and we will have speakers in to speak with the older children and also to speak with parents.
Safer Internet Day
St. John of God Primary School
Participate in Webwise lessons.
Visit from Community Garda discussing staying safe online
Poster creation for staying safe online
Colouring pages for staying safe online
Together for a better internet
During this one day campaign Junior classes will make use of the digital duck resources.
Senior classes will use the PowerPoint/ resources specifically for 2025's theme.
The whole school will take part in a poster campaign to highlight the important key messages of internet safety. The wristbands will be given to all pupils so that the information can be discussed at home too.
Using the theme – we can work together to protect each other. Awareness campaigns
Boherbue comprehensive school
Awareness campaign. Display, social media, classes
530 in school/10 activists