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Other Resources

Digiduck Stories
Created to help parents and teachers educate children aged 3 – 7 about online safety, it includes ebooks, PDFs, a poster and an interactive app.
Be Internet Legends
Be Internet Legends empowers younger children to use the web safely and wisely, so they can be confident explorers of the online world.
Step Up! Speak Up!
Step Up, Speak Up! is a practical campaign toolkit to address the issue of online sexual harassment amongst young people aged 13 – 17 years.
STAR SEN Toolkit
This Toolkit provides practical advice and teaching activities to help educators explore online safety with young people who have special educational needs.
Trust Me
Designed to support teachers in exploring critical thinking, the resource educates young people around inaccurate information they may encounter online.
Crossing the line
A practical online safety toolkit dealing with issues such as cyberbullying, sexting, self-esteem and peer-pressure for 11-14 year olds.
Digital Resilience
This is a lesson plan designed to help young people aged 11-14 to develop digital resilience, to be able to manage their lives online and to help others.
Myth v Reality
A toolkit with films and lesson plans to explore online issues including body image, online relationships and online pornography for young people aged 11-14.
Selma Hacking Hate
SELMA is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission which aims to tackle online hate speech by promoting mutual awareness, tolerance, and respect.
So You Got Naked Online
So You Got Naked Online is a resource that offers children, young people and parents advice and strategies to support the issues resulting from sexting incidents.
Better Internet for Kids
BIK is a platform where key online safety stakeholders can exchange knowledge, and resources to help create a better internet for children and young people.
Internet Literacy Handbook
The handbook offers families, educators and policy-makers sufficient technical know-how to allow them to navigate, with young people, through communication technology.
Think u know
An education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline, and also offers advice for parents and educators.
Project DeShame
It aims to increase reporting of online sexual harassment among minors & improve multi-sector cooperation in preventing and responding to this behaviour.
Be Media Smart
A Media Literacy Ireland campaign to help people tell the difference between reliable and accurate information and false or misleading information.
Tackle Bullying
Providing information and resources, Tackle Bullying is a national website to counter bullying and cyberbullying for young people, parents and teachers
ProjectEVOLVE is a resource which helps teachers to plan lessons that prepare their pupils for life online. With resources, activities, and CPD materials covering topics including online relationships, privacy and...
Teaching and Learning with Twitter
Co-authored by Twitter and UNESCO, this guide focuses on media and information literacy, digital citizenship, and online safety. It offers practical guidance to educators looking to discuss these issues in...
Inclusive Digital Safety
Empowering parents, carers, and professionals with tailored advice and insight to make meaningful interventions in the lives of children and young people most likely to experience online risks, this advice...

Navigating the Noise

The rise of bad faith actors and the influence of mis and disinformation campaigns has brought a new challenge to the fight against racism. That’s why this year we are launching our new resource “Navigating the Noise”, a resource to support youth workers build skills with young people in making sense of the constant stream of information that young people come across both on and offline. The resource will help bring a framework of understanding to narrative manipulation, help map the terrain and some guidance on how to hold these conversations with young people.

Consent Ed Programme

The Consent Ed programme aims to support young people’s holistic development of positive ideals and behaviours around consent and respect within relationships. They have resources for Junior and Senior Cycle.

Data Protection Toolkit for Schools

This toolkit has been specifically created for schools to assist them with their obligations as data controllers and to help them to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (“2018 Act”).

Digital Schools Awards

Digital Wellbeing Award helping schools develop a whole-school digital wellbeing strategy.

Coimisiún na Meán Lessons

These lesson plans have been designed to help you introduce the role of Coimisiún na Meán to your class and to explore rights under our Online Safety Framework. These lesson plans are accompanied by a dedicated Teacher Guide and downloadable posters.

Everywhere, All The Time

A digital literacy intervention for teens that fosters critical conversions about technology and AI. “Everywhere, All the Time” is produced by Tactical Tech in collaboration with European Schoolnet, International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), Save the Children (Italy) and generously co-funded by the European Union.

Digiduck Stories

Created to help parents and teachers educate children aged 3 - 7 about online safety, it includes ebooks, PDFs, a poster and an interactive app.

Be Internet Legends

Be Internet Legends empowers younger children to use the web safely and wisely, so they can be confident explorers of the online world.

Step Up! Speak Up!

Step Up, Speak Up! is a practical campaign toolkit to address the issue of online sexual harassment amongst young people aged 13 – 17 years.

STAR SEN Toolkit

This Toolkit provides practical advice and teaching activities to help educators explore online safety with young people who have special educational needs.

Trust Me

Designed to support teachers in exploring critical thinking, the resource educates young people around inaccurate information they may encounter online.

Crossing the line

A practical online safety toolkit dealing with issues such as cyberbullying, sexting, self-esteem and peer-pressure for 11-14 year olds.

Digital Resilience

This is a lesson plan designed to help young people aged 11-14 to develop digital resilience, to be able to manage their lives online and to help others.

Myth v Reality

A toolkit with films and lesson plans to explore online issues including body image, online relationships and online pornography for young people aged 11-14.

Selma Hacking Hate

SELMA is a two-year project co-funded by the European Commission which aims to tackle online hate speech by promoting mutual awareness, tolerance, and respect.

So You Got Naked Online

So You Got Naked Online is a resource that offers children, young people and parents advice and strategies to support the issues resulting from sexting incidents.

Better Internet for Kids

BIK is a platform where key online safety stakeholders can exchange knowledge, and resources to help create a better internet for children and young people.

Internet Literacy Handbook

The handbook offers families, educators and policy-makers sufficient technical know-how to allow them to navigate, with young people, through communication technology.

Think u know

An education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline, and also offers advice for parents and educators.

Project DeShame

It aims to increase reporting of online sexual harassment among minors & improve multi-sector cooperation in preventing and responding to this behaviour.

Be Media Smart

A Media Literacy Ireland campaign to help people tell the difference between reliable and accurate information and false or misleading information.

Tackle Bullying

Providing information and resources, Tackle Bullying is a national website to counter bullying and cyberbullying for young people, parents and teachers


ProjectEVOLVE is a resource which helps teachers to plan lessons that prepare their pupils for life online. With resources, activities, and CPD materials covering topics including online relationships, privacy and security, managing online information, copyright and ownership, self-image, and more.

Teaching and Learning with Twitter

Co-authored by Twitter and UNESCO, this guide focuses on media and information literacy, digital citizenship, and online safety. It offers practical guidance to educators looking to discuss these issues in the classroom.

Inclusive Digital Safety

Empowering parents, carers, and professionals with tailored advice and insight to make meaningful interventions in the lives of children and young people most likely to experience online risks, this advice hub is the first of its kind.

NYCI - Online Safety and Awareness in Youth Work E-Learning Course

This e-learning introduces youth workers and volunteers to key topics in online safety, and addresses the challenges that young people may face online. It explores the importance of digital awareness in your role and the ways you can support young people to be safer online.

FUSE Anti-Bullying and Online Safety Programme

FUSE is the first research-based Anti-Bullying and Online Safety Programme designed to comply with UNESCO’s Whole Education Approach to tackle bullying and online safety in schools. It is based on 25 years of research on bullying prevention and intervention and is designed to support the wider SPHE/RSE/Wellbeing curricula in schools. FUSE consists of a suite of student-led workshops and resources which FUSE teachers can deliver in the classroom.

Data Detox Kit

The Data Detox Kit from Tactical Tech is a simple, accessible toolkit that walks you through the steps you can take towards a more in-control online self. It takes a holistic approach, going through the different aspects of your digital life, from the amount of time you spend on your phone, to the apps that you use, to the passwords you set.

EduMedia Test

Audiovisual media regulators and public institutions in seven European countries have developed this interactive tool, EduMediaTest, to evaluate and improve media education for European pupils aged 14 to 18 thanks to the partially funding received from the European Comission under the Media Literacy for All programme.

Kids Actions Educational Tool Kit

Educational resources and activities to help understand, prevent and respond to cyberbullying.

Shield Anti Bullying Programme

Childline by ISPCC’s Shield Programme responds to bullying by disseminating knowledge and providing an evidence-informed self- evaluation tool and education programme, aimed at the prevention and intervention of bullying in the community and nationally.


GenTOPIA is a game-based educational resource aimed at students (14 -16 years) in second-level education. It involves a series of interactive activities which address gender stereotypes, consent, digital safety, street harassment, coercive control, non-consensual image sharing, and homophobic bullying.


It offers visual and spoken assets that cover the topics young people have told them they want to discuss. The resources support children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). They’ve been developed through testing and consultation with young people, parents and carers, SLCN specialists and teachers.

Communication Toolkit for the Guidelines on Disinformation and Ethical guidelines on Artificial Intelligence

A toolkit to promote the ethical guidelines on AI and data usage in teaching and learning. The toolkit includes social media posts, infographics, and factsheets.

Beat's Digital Media Literacy Series

Media Literacy is an essential life skill, especially in our current digital climate. In this series Beat aims to showcase vital digital information and provide you will knowledge to become safer online.

Talk to someone

Worried about something you have seen online or concerned about your child? Childline and the National Parents Council Primary offer free advice and support service.

Childline is a support service for young people up to the age of 18.There is a 24hr telephone, online and mobile phone texting service.

Get started

The National Parents Council Primary enables and empowers parents to be effective partners in their children’s education.

01 887 4477


Report Illegal Content

Sometimes you might unwittingly stumble across illegal online content like child abuse imagery. Always remember: you can report it and get it removed using

More on illegal content

Make a report exists to combat the distribution and proliferation of illegal content, like child sexual
abuse content, in conjunction with police and Internet Industry