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New laws protecting children introduced

The Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald signed an Order commencing certain provisions of the Criminal Law […]

Sexting and the Consequences for Schools

To mark the launch of Safer Internet Day 2016, Webwise, the internet safety initiative of the Professional Development Service for […]

Louise O’Neill – My Selfies

Article by Louise O’Neill. Louise is an award winning Irish author, whose books include: ‘Only Ever Yours’ and ‘Asking For It’. Louise’s […]

Evanna Lynch – Thoughts on Bullies, Cyber-Bullies and My Experience of the Internet

Article By Evanna Lynch – Evanna is an Irish actress, currently based in L.A. Evanna rose to fame after appearing […]

MySelfie and the Wider World is launched

A new Primary Anti-Cyber Bullying Teachers’ Handbook, was launched by Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation, Damien English TD in Dublin Castle […]

Safer Internet Day 2015 in Ireland

Safer Internet Day 2015, celebrated on February 10th, was the biggest and best one yet. Officially launched in Dublin Castle by Minister […]

Irish schools above the EU average in tackling Internet Safety

A new report on children’s use of the internet launched to mark Safer Internet Day 2015 has found that Irish […]

#Up2Us Anti-Bullying Kit now available in Irish

The #Up2Us Anti-Bullying Kit, launched by the Minister for Education on Safer Internet Day 2014, is now available in Irish. […]

Net Children Go Mobile: latest findings

A new Net Children Go Mobile report on children’s use of the internet in Ireland from Dr. Brian O’Neill and Thuy Dinh (DIT) was released on Safer Internet Day 2014. It builds on previous research from the EU Kids Online Project into children’s risks and safety online. For this piece of research, 500 children between the ages of 9 and 16 were interviewed in November and December 2013.

Webwise Youth Panelist Creates Anti Bullying Video

A member of the Webwise Youth Advisory Panel, made a short video that poses a question: whether those seen in the video are bullying each other or just having banter.

The Safer Internet Ireland Awareness Centre

The Safer Internet Ireland Project is a consortium of industry, education, child welfare and government partners that provide Safer Internet awareness, hotline and helpline functions and activities for the Republic of Ireland.

Action Plan on Bullying

At the end of January 2013, a new Action Plan On Bullying was launched by Ministers Ruairí Quinn T.D.(Education and Skills) and Frances Fitzgerald T.D.(Children and Youth Affairs). The plan outlines 12 priority actions that can be undertaken by schools and parents in helping to address and tackle bullying in our education system.

A Teen Perspective on Cyberbullying

Future Voices of Ireland is a Non-Government Organisation that was formed by a group of solicitors in hope that the voices of today’s youth could be listened to and heard by society. Future Voices places an emphasis on young people being able to use their voices to speak up on current changes in law, especially the laws that regard Children’s Rights and the Constitution of Ireland.


Talk to someone

Worried about something you have seen online or concerned about your child? Childline and the National Parents Council Primary offer free advice and support service.

Childline is a support service for young people up to the age of 18.There is a 24hr telephone, online and mobile phone texting service.

Get started

The National Parents Council Primary enables and empowers parents to be effective partners in their children’s education.

01 887 4477


Report Illegal Content

Sometimes you might unwittingly stumble across illegal online content like child abuse imagery. Always remember: you can report it and get it removed using

More on illegal content

Make a report exists to combat the distribution and proliferation of illegal content, like child sexual
abuse content, in conjunction with police and Internet Industry