ThinkB4UClick: Internet Safety Comes up in Exams
In 2010, the Junior Certificate CSPE exam posed technology-related questions to students in State exams first.
As evidence of the importance of the ThinkB4UClick resource, which you can read more about here, examiners asked pupils about social networking.
In the question, examiners said social networking sites “are great places to catch up with friends” and “meet new people”.
“Sometimes, however, people give too much information online,” the question continued.
“Write down three pieces of advice you would email to a friend of yours who is planning to set up a profile on Facebook as a way of getting involved in social networking.”
Internet safety comes up in exams
The second part of the question added: “Your CSPE class has decided to produce a short booklet for parents on “Safety on the Internet”. Write a paragraph for this booklet in which you highlight what parents should know and do about their children’s social networking.”
If students had researched the area as part of the information available in the ThinkB4UCLick resource, they would have been well on the way to fully answer the question.
So, as a teacher, you should consider including the ThinkB4UClick course this year.